Our Blogs

Why a Home Inspection is So Critical When Buying a Home

December 9, 2019

A home inspection offers so many benefits, it should be an easy decision to have one done before buying a house. Here are some things to keep in mind.

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Baby Shoes or Life Insurance? What’s a Better Baby Gift?

December 4, 2019

There is some truth to that commercial with a retired quarterback and country singer.

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Odd, Unusual and Unique Things That Have Been Insured

November 28, 2019

If It Has Value, It Can Probably Be Insured.

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We Bet You Didn’t Know THIS About Insurance Companies

November 26, 2019

There’s more to insurance companies than a variety of interesting spokespeople.

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Forgotten Sports Franchise Moves

November 22, 2019

Yes, the Lakers Played in Minneapolis and the Pistons in Detroit. That’s Just the Start.

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Insurance Fraud. Yes, It’s a Thing and Yes, It’s a Crime.

November 21, 2019

Insurance fraud has been the subject of books, movies, and real-life crime.

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How Do My “Toys” Affect My Insurance?

November 20, 2019

Boys Toys Keep Getting Bigger…and More Expensive. Are You Covered?

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American Landmarks: Why Did They Build That There?

November 19, 2019

Did You Ever Wonder How a Certain Landmark Ended up in a Particular Place?

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They Don’t Make Cars Like They Used To…and That’s a Good Thing!

November 18, 2019

Fond Memories Can Fade the Fact that Classic Cars were Gas Guzzlers and Unsafe.

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